Interview with Master Cobbler Tamas Pomazi on GMSP Business

Greenwich Vintage's master cobbler Tamas "Zen" Pomazi was interviewed on the television program Greater MSP Business wich aired on Sunday, June 2nd 2013. Greater MSP Business has a weekly program airing each Sunday on ABC Twin Cities KSTP.
Greater MSP is a private non-profit organization dedicated to providing public and private sector leadership, coordination and engagement to grow the economy of the 16-County Minneapolis Saint Paul region.
Traditional business dressing is making a comeback. For men, it's the suit, the tie -- and of course -- the wingtips.
But these don't have to be your grandfather's wingtips -- not if you get them from the Greenwich Vintage company in Waconia that recycles, repurposes and customizes wingtips into a fashion statement.
Tamas Pamazi is the founder and master cobbler at Greenwich Vintage.
Greenwich Vintage is a purveyor of fine U.S. made vintage goods. The Company's primary focus is the re-crafting and re-purposing of wingtips, boots and chukkas with its signature in-house colored soles. In addition, The Company resoles and restores customers' footwear with its signature colored soles, preserving and improving on the past for future generations.
Greenwich Vintage takes pride in being keepers of the craft, in that all of our in-house footwear is designed and handcrafted by our master cobbler at our workshop in Waconia, Minnesota. Finally, Greenwich Vintage is proud of the fact that all of our products, from footwear with colored soles, clothing, as well as accessories, are MADE in AMERICA.